Friday, September 17, 2010

Cambodia Prepares To Assess Its Development Goals

Cambodia is behind on saving mothers in childbirth and protecting the environment. (Photo: ASSOCIATED PRESS)

Men Kimseng, VOA Khmer
Washington, D.C Monday, 13 September 2010

“We have good figures on both prevention and treatment.”
When world leaders gather in New York next week to discuss the Millennium Development Goals of UN countries, they will find Cambodia well along on benchmarks for HIV and AIDS, but appears lagging in maternal mortality and other goals.

MDGs were pledged by 189 countries in 2000, creating targets for 2015. In that time, Cambodia has gained ground in the fight against HIV, AIDS and child mortality, officials said. But it is behind on saving mothers in childbirth and protecting the environment.

Tia Phalla, vice chairman of the National AIDS Authority, said Cambodia has reached a goal of 0.9 percent prevalence.


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