Saturday, September 18, 2010

Khmer student Tear

when I was young, I always studied hard, I wanted to learn English, math, khmer, pluss +++++++++++ !!
I finished my primary school, next year I registered for high school, ( Grade 7 -13)

The most hard for me was taking exam of grade 12. I was ok, but many friends of mine failed, they were so sadddddddddddd !!!!!, they said, they would give up their study, They also learned so hard, why they could not pass
exam, why ??????????. NO choice giving them pass the exam?

Some of my friends, they wanted to kill them selves because of their failure of taking grade 12 exam.
Some took two or three time but they could not pass, why it is so difficult!!!!!!!!!!!

After I passed the exam, I worried so much, what would to do next. one was money, one was university, one was place.
OH any one could help me? my father just passed away. what should I do? My mother always cried, cried!!!!!!!!!!
even though I stopped her, she never listened to me as i was a son.

Ok, I would complaint, why government have pressure on taking exam of Grade 12 ?
what is the benefit ?


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