Saturday, September 18, 2010

The MIBCVO: Men In Black from Cambodia of Viet Origin?

September 17, 2010
The Nation

A group of men, reportedly living in a condominium near the prime minister's home, are being watched closely, deputy secretarygeneral to the PM Panitan Wattanayagorn said yesterday. Meanwhile, Deputy PM Suthep Thaugsuban, suggested that these men might be linked to the "men in black" behind the April 10 clashes.

Police are also keeping a close eye on a weapons expert from Cambodia, who might instigate violence during the redshirt rally on Sunday.

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Santhan Chayanont had previously claimed that a group of "men in black", trained for combat in Cambodia, were staking out Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's residence from a condominium nearby. This has prompted the beefing up of security for the PM as well as 50 VIPs, as police monitor people coming in and out of highrises, he said.

While telling the public not to panic, Panitan said yesterday that the police had been watching the PM's house for a few months now and noticed dubious men taking turns entering a condominium nearby. However, the police have not taken any action because the men had not done anything wrong so far. Also, they have not checked the condominium because it is private property, he said.


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