Friday, September 17, 2010

SRP Pennsylvania's condolences to Khmer Krom people

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Criticize Vietnam's rights record – just not in Thailand

Blocking debate on Vietnam’s rights record represents a break from Thailand’s tolerant tradition. Bangkok has been seen as more open to critical debate on regional affairs than more authoritarian countries like Vietnam.

September 13, 2010
By Simon Montlake, Correspondent
Christian Science Monitor

Vietnam will no doubt be quietly pleased with Thailand’s action. It’s not clear what, if anything, Thailand might expect in return, though solidarity with Vietnam might prove useful in Thailand’s border dispute with Cambodia, which lies between the two countries.
Bangkok, Thailand - Paris-based rights activists were forced to cancel a press conference here Monday after Thailand refused them entry.

The topic? Vietnam’s human rights record over the last year when it has held the rotating presidency of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). According to the International Federation for Human Rights, the press conference would have examined Vietnam’s record and offered proposals for improvement.

Blocking debate on Vietnam’s rights record represents a break from Thailand’s tolerant tradition. It also serves as a reminder of how governments seek to control debate both inside and outside their borders. This is why the Dalai Lama is no longer welcome in countries that want to be on good terms with Beijing.


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