Friday, September 17, 2010

Survivor of Cambodian killings speaks

Loung Ung, at KSC on Tuesday Sept. 7. (Keene Equinox 2010)

Author tells the story of her escape from her war-stricken homeland

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
By Meredith Shepherd
Equinox Staff

“I believe we have to teach the art of peace because it is in all of us,” Loung Ung, author and lecturer said.

Ung said she is an activist, author, and lecturer, who for the last fifteen years has been supporting equality, human rights, and overall justice worldwide and in her native land, Cambodia.

Ung presented her memoir, “First They Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers” to Keene State College on Tuesday Sept. 7 in the L.P. Young Student Center’s, Mabel Brown room.


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