Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Counting SIMs: MPTC calls for statistic cooperation

via CAAI

Tuesday, 21 December 2010 15:00 Jeremy Mullines

SOME of the Kingdom’s mobile phone service providers are reluctant to release information to the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, which officials say is making it difficult to provide oversight for the sector.

The ministry compiles a monthly list of active subscribers in Cambodia, but officials said some companies are routinely late in providing the information they require.

“Not only the Ministry, but the Council of Ministers need reports,” said Sieng Sithy, deputy director of the Directorate of Telecommunications Policies Regulation. “Without cooperation from other people it’s very difficult.” MPTC’s November report showed Cambodia has 8.58 million mobile subscribers, but many in the industry say actual numbers could be as small as half that.

Hello’s CEO Simon Perkins said he was not aware specifically of the complaint about late numbers, but said he did have a concern over the accuracy of the reported figures. “I don’t know which operators are slow to report, or why. My guess would be maybe they don’t have anything good to report?” he wrote.

Sieng Sithy some people switch between SIM cards, creating large subscriber totals.


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