Tuesday, December 21, 2010

United States Must Support Cambodia & Uphold UN Refugee Convention

via CAAI

21 December 2010

The Hague, 21st December 2010 – Just over one year ago the United States Embassy in Phnom Penh stated it was “deeply concerned” about the welfare of twenty Uyghurs deported under the cover of night from Cambodia to China, but today their cases are almost forgotten.

The whereabouts of those twenty Uyghurs remains unknown amid longstanding and deep-rooted fears for their safety. The Chinese government has disappeared these Uyghurs. Moreover, Cambodia was fully aware prior to returning these Uyghurs that they would be subject to grave human rights violations upon their return.

In 2010 the United States and the Kingdom of Cambodia marked their 60th Anniversary of diplomatic relations amid messages of “peace, stability and development” from H.M. King Norodom Sihamoni and President Obama’s desire that “human rights, and strengthening democratic institutions” be a continuing feature of the relationship.

Both that relationship and the validity of the UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its associated protocols are at risk. Cambodia’s decision to speed the closure of the UNHCR asylum centre in Phnom Penh is rash and for those that could face deportation, puts their lives at risk.

It is crucial therefore that the United States press the Cambodia authorities to live up to their obligations as a party to the UN Convention and at the same time raise an official démarche calling on Beijing to reveal the whereabouts of the twenty missing Uyghurs.

Marino Busdachin
General Secretary
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization


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