Tuesday, January 11, 2011

AKP - Agent Kampuchea Press

CCJ Roundtable Discussion on Law on Associations and NGOs

Phnom Penh, January 10, 2011 AKP –

The Club of Cambodian Journalists (CCJ) on Jan. 8 organized a roundtable discussion about the draft Law on Associations and NGOs to get buy-in from the media in order to feed the national government-NGOs consultative meeting led by the Ministry of Interior to take place in two days.

Taking place at Sunway Hotel, Phnom Penh, the roundtable discussion provided floor to some 50 journalists, media students and NGO representatives to reflect the intention behind the compilation of the law.

“NGO workers and journalists are alike in a sense that we serve the public. This is also the government’s interest. And if we are transparent in our career, we should dare to live under the ‘roof of law’,” said Mr. Pen Bona, a CCJ board member, adding that more time given for all concerns stakeholders to provide their inputs would be good not only for NGOs but also for the government counterparts.

The 16-page draft law states that it primarily aims to promote the exercise of Cambodian citizens’ rights and freedom to form associations or local NGOs in order to jointly protect their legal and public interest. The law also intends to provide opportunity for international NGOs to partner with the Royal Government of Cambodia to implement development projects and aid programs.

The contents of the draft law entail registration procedures for associations, local NGOs and their networks; development process of international NGOs memorandum of understanding; and associations’ and NGOs’ resources, properties, rights, benefits, activity postponement and dissolution.

Representatives of networks of more than 500 civil society organizations and other participants shared a common view that the collaboration between the civil society organizations and government is indispensable to bring about grassroots community ownership of their own development, thus reducing the country’s poverty. –AKP

By MOM Chan Dara Soleil


AKP, Phnom Penh, January 10, 2011

Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Keat Chhon, Minister of Economy and Finance, holds a meeting here recently on the Sustainable Fund and Agricultural Development with an aim to review a USD 36.5 million loan project for Cambodia’s Rice Millers.

Photo: Hun Yuth Kun


Cambodian Government Adjusts Salary Index and Pension Pay

Phnom Penh, January 10, 2011 AKP –

The Royal Government of Cambodia has issued a Sub-Decree to change the base-salary index for all public servants, army personnel, police, retired persons and the disabled professionals; and offer an increase on the basic pension of the retired persons, persons with labour and work disability, and disable veterans.

According to the Sub-Decree, effective from Jan. 1, 2011, the unit of base-salary index is increased from 870 Riel (local currency roughly US$0.21) to 1,050 Riel (US$0.26); and the basic pension gets a 20 percent increase. –AKP

By Ravuth M.


Information Minister Meets Vietnamese Delegation of Culture, Sports and Tourism

Phnom Penh, January 10, 2011 AKP –

Cambodian Information Minister H.E. Khieu Kanharith received here last Friday a visiting delegation of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam.

In the meeting, Mr. Duong Dang Cao, head of the Vietnamese delegation, informed the information minister of the upcoming visit program of Vietnamese students to Cambodia with an aim to learn about the country’s culture and tourism.

Vietnam will arrange a visit program of 3,000 to 5,000 students to visit Cambodia’s capital city of Phnom Penh and Siem Reap province, he said.

Each month, from 300 to 400 Vietnamese students will pay a four-day and three-night visit to Cambodia, added Mr. Duong Dang Cao, asking the Cambodian Information Ministry to help facilitate the visit.

In reply, H.E. Khieu Kanharith welcomed the visit program and pledged to cooperate with the Ministry of Tourism and the Apsara Authority of Cambodia to facilitate the visit.

The upcoming visit will contribute to promoting the relationship and the cooperation between the two neighboring countries, he said. –AKP

By CHEA Vannak


AKP, Phnom Penh, January 10, 2011

Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Sar Kheng, Minister of Interior, cuts red ribbon to inaugurate a school building which funded by Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen at Puok district in Banteay Meanchey province on Jan. 6. Photo: Chhun Sarath, AKP-Banteay Meanchey


Sweden Decides to Set Up Embassy in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, January 10, 2011 AKP –

The Royal Government of Sweden has decided to set up an Embassy in Cambodia to boost up the ties of friendship and cooperation between the two countries – Sweden and Cambodia.

Newly appointed Ambassador of Sweden to Cambodia Mrs. Anne Hoglund told Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance H.E. Keat Chhon during their meeting here last Thursday, according to the spokesman of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

The Swedish diplomat further said her government had provided a financial aid for the mutual cooperation and development to two countries in Asia, including Cambodia.

This year, she added, Sweden took over the rotating presidency of the EU and she also became president of EU in Cambodia, which is a task to share effort in the development activities in Cambodia.

In the meantime, Sweden and Cambodia have been working on drafting a development strategic plan for year 2011-2015, which will be completed every soon, said Mrs. Anne Hoglund, adding that many Swedish companies are interested in doing business in Cambodia.

For his part, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance H.E. Keat Chhon expressed his warm welcome to the diplomatic mission of the newly-appointed Swedish ambassador to Cambodia, which he said is a sign of strengthening the ties of friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

Sweden is a development partner, which has played an active role in the national development of Cambodia and has been providing grant aid to Cambodia since 1979 by starting from a humanitarian aid, he said.

Up to the end of 2009, Sweden provided US$280 million in grant aid to Cambodia to support the fields of education, good governance, human rights and environment. –AKP

By Noeu


AKP, Phnom Penh, January 10, 2011

Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen and his wife Lok Chumteav Bun Rany Hun Sen, President of Cambodian Red Cross visit and distribute relief to 363 disabled pupils and students at Sen Sok district’s school in Phnom Penh on Jan. 6.Photo: Chey Phum Pul


PM Gives Donation to Blind and Mute-deaf Children from NGOs

Phnom Penh, January 10, 2011 AKP –

Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen along with his wife and government officials have given a donation to Kruosar Thmey (New Family) Organization and ASPECA Organization.

The donation was given during his visit on Jan. 6 to blind and mute-deaf children and teachers from Phnom Penh Thmey blind and mute-deaf school and Chbar Ampov mute-deaf school run by New Family Organization; and another school by APSPECA.

Each school received two tones of milled rice, 50 boxes of instant noodle, 10 big boxes of fish cans, 100 kilograms of sugar, five kilograms of the seasoning and two million riel in cash (Cambodian currency roughly US$500), at a total estimated cost of US$25,995.

On the occasion, the Cambodian premier declared to provide monthly starting from January 2011 one ton of milled rice and three million Riel (about US$750) to the two schools of New Family Organization, and 500 kilograms of rice and one million Riel (about US$250) to ASPECA’s school. –AKP

Article in Khmer by CHIM Nary
Article in English by THOU Peou


AKP, Phnom Penh, January 10, 2011

A newly appointed Ambassador of Australia to Cambodia Ms. Penelop Ann Richards pays a courtesy visit here today to Cambodia’s National Assembly President Samdech Akka Moha Ponhea Chakrei Heng Samrin.

Photo: Hun Yuth Kun


32nd Anniversary of 7 January Victory Day

Tens of thousand of CPP supporters gathered at the CPP’s headquarters in Phnom Penh last Friday to celebrate the 32nd anniversary of the January 7, 1979, the toppling day of the Khmer Rouge regime.

The ceremony was presided over by CPP President Samdech Akka Moha Thamma Pothisal Chea Sim, CPP Vice President Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen and CPP Honorary President Samdech Akka Moha Ponhea Chakrei Heng Samrin.

Also present were foreign ambassadors to Cambodia and representatives of Cambodian political parties.

In his address to the participants at the ceremony, Samdech Chea Sim, also president of the Senate, recalled the history of the 7 January Victory Day, stressing that the rebirth, the stability and the development of the country are based on this victory.

He further recalled CPP’s numerous achievements in the country’s reconstruction from 1979 to the present time.

CPP President Samdech Chea Sim expressed CPP’s support to responsible and effective implementations of the laws for anti graft, land ownership and policy, forest and fisheries, etc. for the sake of defending and raising high people’s interest, while maintaining public order and improving further investment environment.

Regarding the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, Samdech Chea Sim reaffirmed CPP’s support to the tribunal’s process, while appealing to international community to continue to provide spiritual as well as financial supports so that the trial process would complete in success on the basis of safeguarding all national achievements, especially the Cambodian hard-won and maintained peace and stability.

“CPP highly evaluates efforts of the Royal Government of Cambodia in the works of demarcation and border pole mounting with Vietnam and with Laos, while supporting continued efforts for completion of the job as planned, and condemning resolutely individuals or circles that are continuing actions aimed at deterring this important task,” he said.

CPP, he continued, would like to express contentment toward detent and steps towards normalization of situation along the Cambodian-Thai border that is corresponding to the aspiration of the peoples of the two countries, while reaffirming its entire support for the position of the Royal Government of Cambodia in continuing to resolve border problem with Thailand through peaceful negotiation on the basis of guaranteeing sovereignty and territorial integrity aimed at building a border of peace, cooperation and development.

The CPP president also reiterated the CPP’s unanimous support for the candidacy of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen for the post of Prime Minister for the coming fifth terms and terms thereafter.

He further reaffirmed the CPP’s high attention to maintaining stability of the current bilateral coalition Government and to carry on cooperation with FUNCINPEC Party. –AKP



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