Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Boeung Kak residents seeking help from Chinese embassy: An ultimate spit-in-the-face for Hun Xen's regime

Cambodian women react during a protest near the Chinese embassy in Phnom Penh January 17, 2011. About 60 residents of Boeung Kak Lake appealed to the Chinese embassy for help in getting fair compensation from a Chinese firm involved in a real estate development at the lake. The protesters were representatives of at least 2,000 remaining families, who are facing eviction from the lake, a local rights group said. REUTERS/Samrang Pring
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Comment by Koun Sers

If the government of Hun Sen had any self-respect, any brain at all, they would find this appeal to the Chinese embassy to be the ultimate spit-in-the-face. The Cambodian people have now given up on its own leaders, by appealling directly to a foreign government. An average leader would have been ashamed because its own people now think it so ineffective that they choose to deal with a foreign government. But not these thick skinned, "thick-faced" "Khmer leaders". For these idiots are not even average, they are below average in every sense. How can you watch with pride while your people struggle so badly. How can you continue to "lead" when the people have shown clearly that they don't hold you out to be much of anything. They now rely on the Chinese Embassador! So much for Khmer leadership. So much for Khmer pride.


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