Friday, January 7, 2011

Dolce far niente

After much deliberation, I decided to fly home after exam.

Life after exam is always nice. After all the mugging and toiling, believe me, you just don't feel like doing anything temporarily when it's over. Hence, I've been spending the past few days enjoying a form of pleasant idleness described by Elizabeth Gilbert as dolce far niente, an Italian phrase which literally means the sweetness of doing nothing.

It seemed everyone had a blast on New Year's Eve, embracing the arrival of 2011 with new resolutions and hopes surrounded by friends and liquor. I don't mean to sound pathetic. But, I actually spent my New Year's Eve watching porn alone in my room.

Well, it's not like no one asked me out. I just happened to be in my hometown and none of my friends were actually in town. Hmm. Not convincing. Alright. Honestly, I don't really have many friends. I'm talking about someone who'd drop anything at hand and stand by you when you have a nervous breakdown. Or when you ridiculously want someone to acknowledge or to pretend that you're the most important person in the world, that nothing else matters but you. Right. I don't have that 'someone' in my life.

Fine. I don't want to too melodramatic here. Someone's been complaining about it.

On a happier note, I spent my evening dancing to Lady Gaga's Poker Face today. I found a clip on YouTube and started ... erm .. wait. 'Dancing' may not be an appropriate word here. Because I don't really dance, you see. I did try to mimic the choreographer and learn a few steps and moves. Ha! I'm sure you'd guffaw or laugh your head off if you'd seen how clumsily I danced. There's a reason why I make excuses to stay away from the dance floor when I'm in MP. So, hopefully, my self-learning can prepare myself to face the dance floor more confidently when I revisit MP.

This picture was taken during a street dance competition at a mall a few weeks back. Sorry, I'm not a good photographer. I always admire people who can intrigue or enchant their audience with their talents. Sometimes, I wish I can be like them, in addition to being the bookworm frantically trying to keep his head above the water.

My New Year's resolutions? Eat less. Exercise more. Pass my professional exam. Be a competent doctor. And hunt for a boyfriend.


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