Friday, January 7, 2011

Hip concert rocks trade fair

Chhay Virakyuth was one of the popular Cambodian singers who performed at the giant concert.

via CAAI

Friday, 07 January 2011 15:00 Thik Kaliyann

ALMOST 100,000 people packed into Siem Reap’s Angkor Kjong Yu entertainment area last week during the four-day Siem Reap International Commerce Trade Fair from Thursday to Sunday.

According to Trade Fair program manager Va Kri, participants in the event increased by nearly 50 percent on last year.

“The first exhibition took place in December last year and had around 50,000 visitors,” Va Kri said. “That’s 16 percent of the total population in Siem Reap.

“Around 200 stores welcomed customers to look at their products and these included international products from China, Vietnam and Thailand.”

He said the main objectives of the trade fair were to encourage business growth by networking with local and international traders, to encourage consumers to use Khmer products, to promote awareness of Khmer culture through the display of Cambodian products, and to investigate new products.

He added that a further purpose of the fair was to reinforce the strong economy in Siem Reap province as it was the second largest commercial area in Cambodia.

The fair was organised by the Siem Reap Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with private company Angkor Cable Television, and was supported by the Siem Reap Authority and Provincial Tourism Ministry.

Meanwhile, the fair’s giant concert running from Friday to Sunday attracted huge crowds who were thrilled by famous Cambodian singers such as Ouk Sokun Kanha.

Kanha, from Hong Meas, performed her new song “Pu Kae Mless” while working her trademark hip-hop dancing style.

Interest in the stage began well before the stars took to it, with Cambodian dance groups performing to hip-hop songs.

During the concert, a lucky draw was held on stage for Angkor Cable Television customers which gave away three Yamaha Fino scooters.


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