Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hun Xen warns to arrest those who insult government officials as being TRAITORS

11 Jan 2011
Tin Zakariya
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Soy
Click here to read the article in Khmer

Hun Xen sent an open message to all non-ruling political parties that any political competition can take place, but he warns that they cannot paint him and insult him as “TRAITOR”.

Hun Xen announced his warning to all those who criticize and insult high-ranking government officials, telling them to stop the criticisms immediately, otherwise, all these people will face arrest, even if they are MPs with parliamentary immunity.

Hun Xen made this warning announcement during the distribution of diplomas for students at the education institute in Phnom Penh on Monday 10 January.

Hun Xen claims that, even if Cambodia has many political parties competing for votes, the painting of high ranking government VIPs is not allowed: “Even if you have immunity, even with the mother of all immunity, I will attack you, I tell you now! You can curse anything, you can curse the 07 January, but don’t curse with the word ‘TRAITOR’ because you received voted from the people. Therefore, we have to take action, others don’t interfere, foreigners don’t interfere. Would PMs in other countries allow others to curse them ‘TRAITORS of the NATION’? Would Presidents in the world allow other to curse them ‘TRAITORS of the NATION’? I am telling you now, just in case problem will occur.”

Nevertheless, SRP MP Mu Sochua, a high ranking opposition member, reacted by saying that Hun Xen is putting pressure on the freedom of expression once again. However, she claimed that the SRP is not surprised nor is it scared about this warning.

Mrs. Mu Sochua added: “Those who speak out, they dare take responsibility, they have reasons to speak out, and I believe that all those people dare face history. Therefore, I believe that such prevention [by Hun Xen] cannot bring justice to freedom expression for those who speak out. If the justice system in Cambodia is an independent institution, I believe that there wouldn’t be such warning.”

On 18 Dec 2010, Seng Kunakar, the security head for a WFP rice warehouse in Russei Keo district, was arrested and immediately sent to the Phnom Penh court in the afternoon of that same day for an expedited court hearing regarding border issues between Cambodia and Vietnam which he printed from the KI-Media website. On Sunday 19 Dec 2010, Seng Kunakar was sentenced by the court to 6 months in jail and he was ordered to pay a fine of 1 million riels ($250) stemming from Articles 494 and 495 of the new criminal code.

After the court sentenced Seng Kunakar and the warning issued by Hun Xen, human rights activists and opposition officials indicated that the government is using the new criminal code and the justice system to sentence those who provide constructive criticisms on the government.


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