Saturday, January 1, 2011

In support of Hun Xen: Opinion by Anonymous Reader

KI-Media Note: We have edited slightly the original text sent by the author for grammar and English usage.

This is the dirty strategy from Thai Game. It’s a Game, give ground to get ground, if we let them free next time thugs PAD will be in Preah Vihear or in Siem Reap. No one wants to have problem with Thai, and Thai MPs, they know the laws, boundary very clearly, but they do it to gain something. Hun Sen is smarter than those who used to call him “AH” or “idiot, chhker, AH kwak, or Kbot Jeat, or Ah Yorng Yuon, or AH Phleor”. Any way stop call people “AH AH AH”. Intellectual people never call their son “Ah Ah”, so why so many smarts in KI call Hun Sen Ah, I doubt about these people, are they being brainwashed? He who serves the Khmer Rouge and kills millions of Khmers, those are truly “Kbot Jeat and idiot”. This is the result of flare up along the border which is used by our Thai enemy to wage war, all Cambodia army prepared to defend our nation.

Sam Rainsy went to the Viet boder, it clearly means that KEEP VIET away from helping KHMER if the Thais are going to attack Khmer. We clearly, clearly, and clearly see Rainsy is absolutely wrong, why not do it early or later but not during Thai waging war against us. In war they win the mind, mind, mind first, they fight our alliance first and then they separate or divided our people or make us disunited. They make people Hate, Hate, and Hate their own leader or, in other words (leader HUN Sen should or must surround himself with love and unity with the people of all sides, from the bottom all the way up. All people should not only love our leader but they must dare sacrifice our life to die without regret to win wars or to be stronger, that’s what it take to survive), and kill the leader and next to fight five cities.

Now we clearly see that our enemy, the Thais, always, always and always uses dirty trick to divide and make Khmer weaker, weaker , and weaker(to create an advantage opportunity to attack), and some Khmers are trapped in that trick. We Hated Hun Sen, our leader, he is not 100 percent perfect, but he bring unity, peace, democracy, and built more than 20,000 schools, that produce 460,000 students each year, ten years it will be 4,600,000 smarter students, what else a leader should do?

Stop the (Ghost), those ghost are : hatred, division, separation and anger, among Khmer any, any, and any Khmer.


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