Sunday, January 2, 2011

PM Accepts WFP’s Explanation

Phnom Penh, December 24, 2010 AKP --

Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, has, in a letter to World Food Programme (WFP) country representative, accepted the latter’s explanation over a recent WFP’s news report saying that Cambodia remained at risk of food insecurity.

The full letter dated Dec. 23 reads as follows:

“Dear Mr. Jean-Pierre de Margerie,

I acknowledge your letter No. WFP/CAM/719 dated December 18, 2010 in response to the statement I made during the opening ceremony of the Battambang University on December 9, 2010.

I accept your explanation and would also like to thank you for your fair assessment of the efforts and achievements made by the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Cambodian people in partnership with development partners in the development and poverty alleviation in Cambodia.

As you may be aware, the Royal Government of Cambodia has made remarkable progress in reducing poverty and has ambitious objective to achieve Goal No. 1 of the Cambodia Millennium Development Goal “Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger”. It is therefore a disservice to the nation of the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Cambodian people, and donor community when media downplays or misquotes our achievement on poverty reduction in Cambodia.

We look forward to continuing our fruitful cooperation and partnership with WFP and would like to assure you of our support for the new WFP Country Program. In this regard, in response to your request, the Royal Government of Cambodia is pleased to contribute 2,000 MT of rice and an amount of US$467,000 (Four Hundred and Sixty Seven Thousand) annually for a period of five years from 2011 to 2015 to WFP to further provide food assistance to our people.” --AKP


WFP Apologizes to PM Hun Sen

Phnom Penh, December 24, 2010 AKP --

The World Food Programme (WFP) has apologized to Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen over a recent WFP’s news report saying that Cambodia is still vulnerable to food insecurity.

“First of all, I would like to apologize for any mistake that WFP has made about the government of Cambodia,” WFP Country Representative Jean-Pierre de Margerie said in his letter of apology.

“WFP values its good relations with the government of Cambodia and expresses our regret for any act or statement that has influenced this good relationship,” stressed Mr. Jean-Pierre de Margerie, explaining the mistake by the un-updated information posted on WFP’s website, which had been unfortunately quoted by Radio Free Asia.

WFP has now updated its website, he added.

On Dec. 9, 2010 at the inauguration ceremony of Battambang University in Battambang province, Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen reacted against the WFP’s news report and ordered Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance H.E. Keat Chhon to investigate the issue.

Jean-Pierre de Margerie said on behalf of WFP, he acknowledged the prime minister’s speech and he highly appreciated for providing him the opportunity to discuss the issue with H.E. Keat Chhon on Dec. 13.

According to the letter of apology, since 2007 the Royal Government of Cambodia has provided over US$5 million in rice and cash to WFP and in this year alone, RGC has contributed 2,000 tonnes of rice and US$476,000 to WFP. --AKP



DPM Tea Banh Returns Home

Phnom Penh, December 24, 2010 AKP --

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense Gen. Tea Banh returned home on Thursday after paying a four-day official visit to Laos at the invitation of his Lao counterpart, H.E. Douangchai Phichit.

During his stay in Lao capital city Vientiane, the Cambodian deputy prime minister was received by Vice-President of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, H.E. Bounnhang Vorachith who praised and highly valued the visit to Laos of Gen. Tea Banh and his delegation as a big contribution to further strengthening the friendly relation and co-operation between Laos and Cambodia, especially between the two countries’ defense ministries, according to Lao News Agency KPL.

Gen. Tea Banh also held a bilateral talk with his Lao counterpart H.E. Douangchai Phichit. The talk particularly focused on increasing the traditional cooperation of the two neighboring countries.

The Cambodian deputy prime minister also briefed H.E. Douangchai Phichit on the country’s general situation, especially the active participation of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces in maintaining security, safety and social order for the Cambodian people, in the UN peacekeeping mission in Sudan, Chad, Central Africa and Lebanon. --AKP




CRC Receives a Legacy from an Elderly Austrian

Phnom Penh, December 24, 2010 AKP --

Cambodian Red Cross (CRC) was selected as a national community to receive a legacy from an elderly Austrian, Mr. Gerhard Motalik after his death, said CRC President Lok Chumteav Bun Rany Hun Sen.

She announced Mr. Gerhard Motalik’s property at the closing of a seminar on the building up of four-year development plan 2011-2014 of CRC held here on Dec. 22.

Mr. Gerhard Motalik used to visit Cambodia and made a will in which he decided to give all property to CRC, she said.

Up to now, over US$600,000 as part of his legacy has been transferred to CRC and the remaining property will be given afterwards, she said.

The amount of his money will be used for constructing a school building in Koh Thom district and the other in Leuk Dek district of Kandal province, she said.

The seminar took place for two days with the participation from representatives of the development partners and CRC’s branches of 24 provinces and municipality and cities across the country.

The participants discussed the objectives of the four-year development plan 2011-2014 based on the CRC Strategy 2011-2020. --AKP

By THOU Peou


Cambodia, Laos Ink Cultural Cooperation Agreement

Phnom Penh, December 24, 2010 AKP --

Cambodia and Laos intend to organize a number of cultural exchange activities and events over the next three years to boost bilateral cooperation in the sector.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on cultural cooperation was signed in Vientiane on Dec. 21 by Cambodian Minister of Culture and Fine Arts Him Chhem and Lao Minister of Information and Culture Mounkeo Oraboun, Lao News Agency KPL reported.

The MOU outlines plans to organize cultural events, including film festivals and a cultural week, on occasions of national significance for each country, as well as exchange visits by delegations of the two neighbors.

Other events to be organized include photo and painting exhibitions and book fairs.

Under the MOU, each year groups of three to five government officials from each nation’s culture sector will visit the other country for a week.

During a bilateral meeting between cultural officials led by the two ministers on Dec. 16, the two sides expressed their willingness to strengthen relations between their countries and between the four newest ASEAN members - Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam - through cultural activities and events.

“The nations shall invite art groups and delegations from other countries to participate in international and domestic festivals and conferences on culture and art to be held in their territories,” the MOU states.

According to the MOU, the two sides also agreed to facilitate technical cooperation including exchange of experience and information, training for officials working in the field of culture and arts, and actively endeavoring to realize exchange and cooperation, including exchange of scientific and technological information, and delegations in the field of cultural heritage preservation.

The MOU also covers cooperation between museums and libraries in the two countries, with an aim of stimulating exchange of information and officials.

The two ministries also agreed to boost intellectual property rights protection in accordance with the laws and regulations of their respective countries and international obligations. --AKP


Three Gates at Cambodian-Thai Border Open Soon

Phnom Penh, December 24, 2010 AKP --

Three regional border gates are scheduled to open on Jan. 1, 2011 at the Cambodian provinces of Battambang and Banteay Meanchey bordering the Thai province of Srah Keo.

The three gates will be opened everyday at 09:00 am and closed at 05:00 pm. Previously, they were opened for only 4 days a week from Tuesday to Friday.

The authorities from the three provinces represented by Banteay Meanchey Ung Oeun Battambang Deputy Governor Kim Nan, and Srah Keo Governor Sanit Naksuksi had a friendship meeting on Monday to welcome the 60th Anniversary of Cambodian-Thai Diplomatic Relations, and to facilitate the activities of trade and economy between the two countries.

Peoples are allowed to cross the border at the three gates using the letter of permission issued by the border post polices at the border, and the border pass issued by the district or provincial authorities of the two countries. --AKP

Article in Khmer by CHHUN Sarath

Article in English by Ravuth M.



Senate Donates 25 Computers to National Alliance of Commune-Sangkat

Phnom Penh, December 24, 2010 AKP --

The Senate’s General Secretariat donated here on Wednesday 25 computers to National Alliance of Commune-Sangkat of Cambodia (NACS).

NACS Chairman Mr. Soy Kosal said the computers will make the administrative works of the NACS run smoothly.

He said the computers will be distributed to 24 commune-Sangkat Associations in 24 provinces and municipality. --AKP

Article in Khmer by PAL Song

Article in English by KHAN Sophirom


Kep To Hold Fifth Trade Fair Next Monday

Phnom Penh, December 24, 2010 AKP --

The coastal province of Kep, some 174 kilometers southwest of the capital city of Phnom Penh, will be kicked off the fifth trade fair on Dec. 27.

The opening ceremony of the trade fair will be presided over by Senior Minister and Commerce Minister H.E. Cham Prasidh and the authorities of Kep’s neighboring provinces, Kep Governor H.E. Has Sareth told the Cambodian Television Network (CTN) this morning.

The two-day fair, jointly organized by the Ministry of Commerce and Kep provincial authorities is aimed at strengthening regional tourism, trade and economic cooperation, and at promoting trade and tourism services at the border.

Some companies from the provinces of Kep, Kampot, Preah Sihanouk, Koh Kong, Takeo, Kampong Speu, Phnom Penh and the Vietnamese province of Kien Giang will display their products – daily use products, food stuff, house decoration, clothes, beverage, etc. – on around 130 stalls.

A boat racing will also take place on the occasion. According to Kep Governor H.E. Has Sareth, some 70 small boats have already registered to join the race. --AKP

By Théng



American and Cambodian Companies Jointly Produce a Movie

Phnom Penh, December 24, 2010 AKP --

The U.S. production company Critical Density Media (CDM) will cooperate with three local production companies to produce a movie named “Billion Stars Hotel” in Cambodia.

The movie-making has just kicked off today and is scheduled to complete in four weeks in Cambodia and another two more weeks in the U.S.

The movie, which is about a seven-day adventure of a New York fashion photographer’s in Cambodia, will cost some US$200,000 and most of the actors and actresses are Cambodians. --AKP

By CHEA Vannak



Foreign Exchange Rates in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, December 24, 2010 AKP --

The following are the foreign exchange rates against the Riel (Cambodian Currency) released by the National Bank on Dec. 24.


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