Monday, January 3, 2011

Police Blotter: 3 Jan 2011

via CAAI

Monday, 03 January 2011 15:00 Sen David

Meanchey district debtor owes wife an apology
A 41-year-old man was arrested in the capital’s Meanchey district on Friday for hitting his wife in the face with a wooden stick after she demanded that he repay a bank loan. The victim said she had made the plea to her husband after a bank employee visited their home and demanded that the loan be repaid. Her husband, however, had squandered the loan on alcohol and was unable to repay it. When the woman lamented this state of affairs upon his return home, he flew into a rage and attacked her with the stick. The victim was hospitalised following the incident and the man was detained by police pending charges. RASMEY KAMPUCHEA

Horde of ‘gangsters’ attack student
An unsuspecting 18-year-old in Kampong Speu province was attacked by a group of “gangsters” on Friday while sitting in a garden. Police said the gangsters wielded swords and wooden staves in the attack, chasing the victim as he ran for help. The student fortunately made it to a local police station, causing his pursuers to abandon the chase. He said he had no idea why the group had attacked him. Police are now investigating to find the gangsters. RASMEY KAMPUCHEA

Truck crashes in Oddar Meanchey, 18 injured
18 people were injured on Friday in a traffic accident in Oddar Meanchey province’s Anlong Veng district. Witnesses said the majority of those injured were passengers in a large truck that crashed when a car in front of it popped a tyre and stopped in the middle of the roadway, obstructing traffic. Provincial police said it was a miracle that no one was killed in the accident. KAMPUCHEA THMEY

Pursat woman killed in rice milling accident
A 50-year-old woman in Pursat province’s Bakan district was killed on Friday when her head was accidentally crushed in a rice milling machine. The victim’s family said she had borrowed the machine from a neighbour, and had been killed immediately as she was feeding rice paddy into it. Police said the accident had occurred because the woman was inexpert at operating the machine. KOH SANTEPHEAP

Poipet man laments wife’s karaoke job
A 24-year-old man attempted suicide on Friday in Banteay Meanchey province’s Poipet town because he was angry that his wife would not stop working as a karaoke girl. Police said he jumped from the third storey of a hotel, surviving because a hotel security guard sent him to a hospital immediately. The man said he was distraught because despite his repeated entreaties, his wife refused to quit her job because she said it was an easy way to make money. KAMPUCHEA THMEY


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