Friday, January 7, 2011

Position offer to Sourn Serey Ratha from Hun Xen's cabinet

KI-Media Note: We just received the following letter from an anonymous reader regarding an offer to Mr. Sourn Serey Ratha for a position as personal advisor to Hun Xen. The offer letter is dated 29 April 2010. We are not certain of the authenticity of this letter, nor do we know if Mr. Sourn Serey Ratha accepted this position or not. We leave it up to him to explain this offer.

Translated from Khmer
Office of Prime Minister Hun Xen


Mr. Sourn Serey Ratha
CACJE President

Dear Sir,

Based on the highest directive and advice of Samdach Akak Moha Sena Bat Dey Dek Cho Hun Xen, prime minister of the kingdom of Cambodia, given during a past meeting with the group of advisors and officials in his office, the office of the prime minister has the honor of informing you that the prime minister is pleased to accept you to serve the royal government as Samdach’s personal advisor, with a rank equivalent to minister, and as a member of the Anti-Corruption Unit which will be set up by the government.

The office of the prime minister has the duty of providing you with housing, transportation and various expenditures as you see fit.

The office of the prime minister hopes to receive your reply for a good and efficient cooperation for [your] service to serve our Cambodian royal government.

Phnom Penh 29 April 2010

Chef of Cabinet


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