Thursday, January 6, 2011

"Kampoub Ter Ong - Don't move your head, lest you spill the Viets' tea": Historical poem in Khmer by Ven. Botum Boromei Pich (Part 1 of 2)2011

Vietnamese troops parading in Phnom Penh near the end of their occupation of Cambodia in the early 90s
Viet troops inside Cambodian territories preventing Cambodian MPs from visiting a border post (Photo: The Phnom Penh Post)

The multi-millenium years friendship rammed on Cambodia’s throat by Big Brother Vietnam and gladly welcomed by Hoon Xhen

Lest you forget the annexation of Cambodia by Vietnam during the 19th Century, we are providing here an excerpt from a book published by Prof. Khin Sok which includes a two-part historical poem dating from that period describing the events which took place during that first Vietnamese occupation of Cambodia. Of particular interest in this poem is the description of the use of live Khmer heads as hearth to boil water for the Viet occupiers, thus the saying: "[Don't move your head, lest you] spill the Viets' tea". The poem also describes the hardship of Khmer laborers forced to dig the Prek Yuon Canal (Vinh Te Canal) by the cruel Viet occupation forces. It was also under this Vietnamese occupation that Cambodians were forced to adopt and even wear Vietnamese customs and clothes.

The book by Prof. Khin Sok also includes historic details from that period, as well as a translation into French of the two-part poems by Ven. Pich. For those readers who are interested in reading this book, we urged you to purchase the book which is on sale in Cambodia for about US$3, or order it through various online bookstores in France.

Thank you,


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