Saturday, January 8, 2011

UN to Launch Labor Rights Contest For Garment Workers

Thursday, 24 December 2009 04:21 DAP-NEWS

(CAAI News Media)

Garment workers in Cambodia will have to know their rights to compete in a radio contest being launched by the International Labour Organization (ILO), with the winners to be announced on International Labour Day in May next year, the press release from the UN obtained on Wednesday said.

“The competition is organized by the ILO’s ‘Better Factories Cambodia’ project which, with support from the Govern-ment of Cambodia, monitors and strives to improve the conditions in Cambodian garment factories. “The basis of a sound industrial relation system, which is a key ingredient of healthy and sustained economic growth, is set in a wide understanding of the labour law and the institutions that implement it,” said Catherine Vaillancourt-Laflamme, Training Specialist for Better Factories Cambodia.

“With this garment workers’ competition, Better Factories Cambodia wants to increase the knowledge that Cambo- dian workers have of the labour law, while promoting the importance, for workers, workers representatives and employers, of respecting the national legal framework, especially in times of economic hardship,” she added.

The competition is open for free to all current and former garment workers who apply before the January 22 deadline. Twelve finalists will be selected to debate with one another in front of a panel of judges during a live radio broadcast on February 20.

The three winners will be announced on the International Labour Day, observed on May 1 2010. Cash prizes will be awarded to the first, second, and third-place winners.


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