Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Obituary: Abbot Ven. Sangvarasilo Long Mean, age 92, passed away on Saturday the 11th Waxing Moon of Phussa Year of the Tiger BE2554, January 15, AD20

Respected Venerables,
Dear Devotees and Compatriots,

This is a communication from Ven. Viriyadhammo Puoch Kandaal, abbot of Wat Jotanaram.

We, members of Wat Samakki Dhammikaram of Brooklyn and Wat Jotanaram of Bronx, New York city, are very sad because of the passing of Ven. Sangvarasilo Long Mean, abbot of Wat Samakki Dhammikaram, at age of 92 on January15, 2011.

Please see an obituary below.

Please kindly help distribute widely.

Templenews TV

Obituary: Wat Samakki Dhammikaram's abbot Ven. Sangvarasilo Long Mean, age 92, passed away peacefully due to illness on Saturday the 11th Waxing Moon of Phussa Year of the Tiger BE2554, January 15, AD2011

Courtesy Ven. Viriyadhammo Puoch Kandaal and Wat Samakki Dhammikaram


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