Translated from Khmer by Soch
Rong Chhun, representative of the Cambodia Watchdog Council (CWC), led a group of 25 people to visit border stakes between Cambodia and Vietnam on Sunday. The visit took place in Prey Veng and Kampong Cham provinces. He claimed that information he received from villagers who lost their lands to Vietnam from the border planting was true because when he went to visit border post no. 125 in Ponhea Krek district, Kampong Cham province, he saw that this border was planted inside Cambodian territories by about 4 km, and it also placed a Cambodian pagoda inside Vietnam territories. Rong Chhun indicated also that the CWC group also visited the border stakes for border post no. 131 in Krobao commune, Komchay Mea district, Prey Veng province, and these stakes are planted inside Cambodian territories by about 500-600 meters also.
sVar Kim Hong refused to comment
On Sunday, when sVar Kim Hong, the senior minister in charge of border, was asked to clarify on the accusations made by Rong Chhun, he refused to provide detailed comment on this issue. He said that he is waiting to see Rong Chhun’s report first. sVar Kim Hong told The Phnom Penh Post: “Look at the report first to see how much was lost, then I will speak later. Now, I am not commenting.”
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