Saturday, January 1, 2011

Armageddon prediction?

Dear KI-Media,

Please share the following article with your readers. I obtained my copy from a friend who was distributing it at our pagoda here. While I am no believer of such prediction, I find it somewhat amusing that the introduction coincides more or less with the current situation in Cambodia. It makes me wonder if Buddha or Grandpa Puth is our contemporary.

While I use the word Armageddon in my translation, I am not sure if the original author of this prediction intends it to be that way.

I find it also strange that the Svay Rieng provincial authority has decided to charge 3 men and 1 women of distributing false information just for distributing leaflets containing this prediction (as The Phnom Penh Post reported). Could it be that the truth makes the court feels very uncomfortable?

Please take the prediction with a grain of salt, and consider as entertainment if you would.

Thank you,

Name withheld by request

Puth Tumniey (Buddha’s Prediction or Prediction by Grandpa Puth)
Prediction up to 2012 until the end in 2014

As the prediction reaches its ending, mankind becomes savage, they consider wrong as right, bad as good, white as black, they worship ghost rather than Buddha, they pray to ghosts rather than Brahma. Parents are crying because [people] are devoid of noble nature [compassion, pity, happiness and sincerity], fathers rape their daughters, grandsons rape their grandmothers, sons kill their fathers, the king is devoid of power because he lacks his tenfold qualifications [charity, morality, sacrifice, honesty, softness, austerity, calmness, peacefulness, patience and respect of the law]. Religion will disappear, monks stop obeying their Silas (code of conduct), pagodas turn into palaces, government officials betray their nation and people and their duty, weather will change, there will be thunders and rain, bandits will abound, soldiers foam the water(?), concrete houses and bamboo columns will pop out all over, people will suffer extremely, this is because mankind are intoxicated with the 3 fields and the 4 abysses [explained below]

1- Turmoil: At the beginning of the year of the Ox, on 15 May 2009, the color of the sky will change. There will be 2 Suns shining, one large and one small. Those who live along the south of the earth will see a group of Boddhi (banyan) trees sprout out, and there will be Boddhi Bay trees appearing everywhere, then they consider themselves as the Chosen One. (The turmoil arrives).

2- In May 2011: Along the north, there will be two Suns, both of the same size. The older Sun will be on the left and the new Sun will shine next to it, slightly to the back [of the old one] and on its right. The new Sun will bring in iron fist soldiers with silver eyes to save Buddhism. It will be the time for the Chosen One to appear to save all lives, he will select only those who will not be intoxicated by the 3 fields (greed, ignorance and hatred) and the 4 abysses (position, power, sex and alcohol and gambling), those who follow Pancha Sila (the five precepts), those who believe in doing good versus evil, and they will be able to witness Buddha organize Buddhism, they will learn the true Dharma. However, the bad people will not have this chance. It will be a time when people and animals will be sifted, just like rice grains are being selected to preserve the true white ones. When the Boddhi Leakh (banyan) trees and the Boddhy Pech trees appear at the beginning of the rabbit year, the Armageddon and calamity and the destruction will take place on 21 December 2012. This is the start of the sweeping time for mankind and animals, as well as the bad power (the time when the Armageddon and the calamity occur).

3- At the beginning of February 2013: It will be the time to pull the earth’s light and the cleanup. At that time, the earth will stop spinning for 3days and 3 nights, it will be on 14 February 2013 at 11:11 AM. Even the poles will turn into the equator and the equator will turn into the poles. War calamity will take place with killings, revenge, diseases, hunger, major natural disasters, rains and storms, earthquakes, fires that shake the earth, ocean turmoil, giant Tsunamis, major flood, volcano eruptions. At that time, the sweeping and cleaning will eliminate 70 to 90% of the bad people, the bad animals and the bad powers. 90% of the countries involved in misdeed will disappear. (The sweeping and cleaning time will coincide with the time of the blood ocean).

4- On 01 July 2014: The raising of the army will be completed. The second Sun will pass by and will stop shining, at that time, only the good people will be left, as well as the believers who have witnessed on their own the Buddha, the Tevodas (angels), th e Yaksa (giants), and who have heard the true Dharma in which some questioned but never believed in. They will see everything that the Puth Tumniey has predicted. At that time, wealth, rank, position and power will no longer have any meaning anymore (The Sun then will raise the religion of Buddha and the reorganization of the world will be completed).


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