Sunday, January 2, 2011

China Provides US$300 Million To Implement Three Projects

Phnom Penh, December 17, 2010 AKP --

The Chinese government has decided to provide US$300 million to implement three road and irrigation construction projects in Cambodia for the year 2010.

The projects include the construction of national road No214 from Tbeng Meanchey to Tala Barivath, the construction of national road No76 from Sen Monorom to Ta Ong and the development of Vaiko irrigation system in Svay Rieng province, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister H.E. Hor Namhong told reporters today at Phnom Penh International Airport upon the return of the Cambodian delegation led by Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen from China.

H.E. Hor Namhong said the premier’s five-day official visit to China brought a lot of benefits to the nation and the Cambodian people. This was a visit to strengthen and expand the ties of friendship and cooperation between the two countries, he said, adding that Cambodia-China relations have developed from a good neighborliness cooperation to a reliable cooperation, then to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

In the bilateral meeting between Samdech Techo Hun Sen and his Chinese counterpart H.E. Wen Jiabao, both sides have agreed to increase the two countries’ trade exchange volume to US$2,500 million in 2015, said H.E. Hor Namhong, indicating that in the first ten months of this year, the trade exchange reached US$1,100 million.

According to the prime minister, out of the 12 documents signed during the visit, 5 documents are the most important – the US$26-million Loan Agreement on Construction of a New Chroy Changvar Bridge (Phnom Penh), the US$32-million Loan Agreement on Construction of Takhmao Bridge in Kandal province, the US$63-million Loan Agreement on Stung Pursat Dam 3-5 Development, the US$45-million on Construction of National Road No41 Tnal Toteung-Chumkiri and the Agreement concerning the Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone.

The two signed contracts are the Civil Work Contract on Northern Irrigation Development Project/Sreng River Basin Water Resources Development Project (US$53.5 million) and the Contract Agreement on Rural Electrification and Sub-station Project Phase-I (US$53.5 million), he added.

During his stay in China, Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen have met with Chinese President Hu Jintao, China's top legislator Wu Bangguo and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.

Besides Beijing, the Cambodian premier also visited north China's port city Tianjin and east China's Jiangsu province. --AKP

Text in Khmer by CHIM Nary

Translated by SOKMOM Nimul



Cambodia Welcomes More Chinese Investment: PM

Phnom Penh, December 17, 2010 AKP --

Cambodia welcomes more investment from east China's Jiangsu province, Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen said Thursday.

Samdech Techo Hun Sen, who is paying a five-day visit in China, made the remarks when meeting with Luo Zhijun, secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), in Nanjing, provincial capital of Jiangsu, Chinese News Agency Xinhua reported.

As an economic power of China, Jiangsu province has made great contribution in getting China out of the global financial crisis. Cambodia has benefited from the fast development of Chinese economy including that of Jiangsu province, Samdech Techo Hun Sen said.

Hongdou Group Co., Ltd., a Jiangsu-based enterprise in clothing, tire, biological pharmacy and real estate, is building an industrial park in Preah Sihanouk province, southern Cambodia, Premier Hun Sen said.

Samdech Techo Hun Sen hoped that he hoped both parties could work together to develop the industrial park.

Luo, for his part, appreciated the great efforts and contribution Samdech Techo Hun Sen has made in promoting the friendly communication, bilateral exchanges and cooperation between China and Cambodia.

Luo said he believed that the prime minister's visit would enhance the mutual understanding, promote pragmatic cooperation and establish a win-win relationship between the two countries.

Jiangsu province maintains close and friendly communication with Cambodia. The province's Wuxi City is sister city to Cambodia's Sihanoukville City. Many enterprises in Jiangsu province have invested in Cambodia, Luo said.

We are willing to enhance the communication and cooperation with Cambodia in a variety of areas, Luo said.

Luo also introduced basic information of Jiangsu province to Samdech Techo Hun Sen. With a long history, well-developed science and education and comprehensive industry sectors, Jiangsu's economy has ranked high among the provinces in China, Luo said.

Currently, the province's aggregate economic volume accounts for 10 percent of that of China, with a GDP per capita of US$7,000. Its foreign investment ranks number one in China, accounting for around 30 percent of the total of China. Its imports and Exports ranks number two in China.

Samdech Techo Hun Sen arrived in Beijing on Monday to start his official visit to China, during which he also visited north China's coastal municipality of Tianjin. --AKP



Cambodia Prepares Some US$400 Million for SNDD for the Next Three Years

Phnom Penh, December 17, 2010 AKP --

The Cambodian Royal Government has prepared some US$400 million as an investment fund for the Sub-National Democratic Development for the next three years, said Acting Prime Minister H.E. Sar Kheng.

In his address delivered at the closing of the national workshop on Three Year Implementation Plan (IP3) of the National Program, and Annual Workplan and Budget 2011 (AWPB 2011) held at the Ministry of Interior in Phnom Penh on Dec. 15, H.E. Sar Kheng, also minister of Interior and chairman of the National Committee for Democracy Development (NCDD), said “Our development partners plan to support us with a further US$124 million, and we expect to finalize the precise amounts of ongoing support following the appraisals scheduled for January 2011.”

“For the AWPB 2011 we have based our planning only on the resources we know are available, and this may be adjusted for the 3rd and 4th quarters depending on the outcomes of the January appraisals.”

The deputy prime minister said the strategic framework for decentralization and deconcentration reforms adopted by the royal government in May 2005 outlines the policy for sub-national democratic development through the restructuring and reformation of all current levels of sub-national administration. The vision embodied in the strategic framework is to: “develop management systems of province/municipality, district/khan and commune/sangkat, based on the participles of democratic participation. This system will operate with transparency and accountability in order to promote local development and delivery of public services to meet the needs of citizens and contribute to poverty reduction within the respective areas.” Our twin goals then are around facilitating local development and improving public service while bringing delivery systems closer to, and more under the control of the recipient citizens.

The Three-Year Implementation Plan 2011-2013 (IP3) represents the latest step taken by the Cambodian Royal Government on the road towards implementing its policy of sub-national democratic development, and realizing its goals of reducing poverty through local development.

The IP3 concentrates on the establishment, governance, functioning and oversight of sub-national administration, starting with districts and municipalities, the effective and efficient support and cooperation between district/municipalities and communes/sangkats in order to further strengthen the capacity and ownership of communes/sangkats, and capacity development of the capital and provinces and the completion and further development of the overall policy and regulatory framework.

The participants in the workshop also listened to the remarks presented respectively by H.E. Chhay Thon, senior minister, minister of Planning and member of NCDD; H.E. Sak Setha, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Interior and director of NCDD and Mr. Qimiao Fan, representative of the country World Bank. --AKP

(By THOU Peou)


DPM Sok An Meets Members of the House of Representatives from the Democratic Party

Phnom Penh, December 17, 2010 AKP --

Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister in charge of the Office of the Council of Ministers H.E. Sok An received here on Dec. 15 H.E. Takashi Ishizeki, H.E. Eichiro Washio and H.E. Keiro Kitagami, Members of the House of Representatives from the Democratic Party of Japan, which is the ruling party of the country.

The aim of the meeting was to promote and strengthen bilateral cooperation between Cambodia and Japan, especially in the fields of economy as well as to explore experiences in resolving border issues and the building of peace, political stability and national unity in Cambodia, according to the Press and Quick Reaction Unit of the Office of the Council of Ministers.

H.E. Sok An expressed his high appreciation to the Government and people of Japan, who are good friends of Cambodia and in the lead of official development assistance (ODA) to Cambodia, including aid for building infrastructure, assistance for the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. In addition, Japan is also the co-chairman of the International Coordinating Committee for the Safeguarding and Development of the Historical Site of Angkor (ICC-Angkor). However, the Japanese investors to Cambodia are still limited.

He called for more foreign direct investments (FDI) from Japan to Cambodia, including mounting of direct flights between Japan and Cambodia by stressing that the Japan-Cambodia direct flight not only increases the numbers of tourists between the two countries, but also serves to attract more Japanese investments to Cambodia.

The deputy prime minister also informed the guests about the success of the 6th International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) in Phnom Penh, in which Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen was appointed as Chairman Emeritus of the Centrist Asia Pacific Democrats International (CAPDI). Particularly, the delegates from about 100 political parties from 46 countries noted that the “Cambodian Model” of peace, reconciliation and integration of armed groups can be applied to resolve conflicts in other parts of Asia.

H.E. Sok An also told the Japanese delegates about the experiences of the Royal Government of Cambodia, under the great leadership of Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, in dealing with border issue and conflict with neighbouring countries by peaceful means based on diplomatic and judiciary activities.

The three Japanese Members of the House of Representatives from the ruling Democratic Party highly appreciated the rapid economic development in Cambodia, and promised to encourage the Japanese government and investors to invest in Cambodia such as direct flights from Japan to Cambodia and export of Cambodia’s agricultural products to Japan in order to promote diplomatic and economic relations between the two countries.

On behalf of the delegation, H.E. Takashi ISHIZEKI expressed his appreciation to H.E. Sok An for sharing Cambodia’s valuable experiences in resolving border issue with neighbouring countries. --AKP



Cambodia-Thailand Visa Exemption Agreement Comes into Force

Phnom Penh, December 17, 2010 AKP --

The Agreement on visa exemption for holders of normal passports between Cambodia and Thailand has come into force from Dec. 16, 2010.

A ceremony to celebrate this event was held in Poipet City, Cambodia’s Banteay Meanchey province in the presence of Ung Oeun, governor of Banteay Meanchey and his Thai counterpart of Sa Kaew province, Sanit Naksuksi.

On the occasion, both governors said with this visa exemption, the peoples of the two countries can travel to and stay for 14 days in the host country without applying for visas.

Governor Ung Oeun praised for the good relationship between the peoples of Banteay Meanchey and Sa Kaew provinces.

In the first 11 months of 2010, the number of foreign tourists who came to Cambodia from Thailand through Poipet border gate reached over 300,000, an increase by 2.83 percent as compared to the same period of 2009.

On Nov. 17, the Cambodian and Thai foreign ministers signed here the Agreement between the two neighboring countries on visa exemption for holders of normal passports under the presidency of Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen and his Thai counterpart H.E. Abhisit Vejjajiva upon their close-door bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the 4th ACMECS Summit.

Cambodia has signed visa exemption agreements with the ASEAN member countries, except Brunei and Myanmar. --AKP




Vietnam, Cambodia Discuss Role of Religious Affaire

Phnom Penh, December 17, 2010 AKP --

Vietnam recognises and upholds the moral and cultural values of belief and religion, and considers belief and religion a spiritual need of the people and religious followers an integral part of the great national unity.

Head of the Vietnamese Government’s Committee for Religious Affairs Nguyen Thai Binh made this remark while receiving a delegation from the Cambodian Ministry of Cult and Religion, led by Minister Min Khin, in Hanoi on Dec. 16, reported Vietnam News Agency (VNA).

At the meeting, the two sides exchanged views on religious affairs in their respective countries as well as the implementation of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on bilateral cooperation, signed in Cambodia in December 2007.

Binh told his guests that Vietnam’s 1992 Constitution affirms that belief and religion constitute one of the people’s fundamental rights, and citizens have the right to freedom of belief and religion, following or not following a religion, while the State respects and ensures this right for citizens

All religions are equal before the law and all acts that abuse belief and religion to incite violence, divide the people and nation, and organise superstitious activities are prohibited, the official added.

Regarding the performance of the MoU, Binh said the two sides have exchanged central-level delegations, provided documents related to the State management of religious affairs, and supported each other in organisation of UN Vesak Day in Vietnam.

However, he suggested the two sides organise working visits to each other’s countries for local delegations and hold bilateral symposiums in the future.

Minister Min Khin proposed that the two sides speed up the implementation of the MoU and expressed his wish to deepen relations between the two agencies.

The minister said the Cambodian State always cares for the people’s right to freedom of belief, which is prescribed in the country’s Constitution.

The same day, Minister Min Khin was received by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Gia Khiem, who highly praised the results of cooperation between the Vietnamese Government’s Committee for Religious Affairs and the Cambodian Ministry of Cult and Religion.

Khiem said he hoped the two agencies would step up cooperative ties in religious affairs, thus strengthening the traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Cambodia.

Min Khin thanked Vietnam for its valuable support and assistance towards the Cambodian people and expressed his belief that their neighbourliness would further develop for the interests of the two countries’ peoples. --AKP


China Optimistic of Trade Relations with Cambodia

Phnom Penh, December 17, 2010 AKP --

Mr. Nong Rong, deputy secretary general of the China-ASEAN Expo (CAEXPO) Secretariat, has expressed his optimism over the Cambodia-China trade relations.

China is a big market for Cambodian goods including agricultural products, food and furniture, while many Chinese investors are interested in the Cambodian market, he said on Dec. 15 while he attended the opening ceremony of the 5th
Cambodia Import-Export & One Province One Product Exhibition.

Mr. Nong Rong hoped that the 8th CAEXPO scheduled to be held in October 2011 in Nanning, China will be another good opportunity for both countries.

He also recalled the good cooperation and close relationship between the CAEXPO Secretariat and the Cambodian Ministry of Commerce in having successfully organized seven CAEXPO.

The CAEXPO deputy secretary general further highly valued the organization of the 5th Cambodia Import-Export & One Province One Product Exhibition, which he said allows local and foreign investors to find cooperation and investment opportunities. --AKP

By CHEA Vannak



2nd Golf Tournament for Hun Sen Golf Cup to Celebrate 7 January Victory

Phnom Penh, December 17, 2010 AKP --

The 2nd golf tournament for Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen Golf Cup to celebrate the 32nd Anniversary of 7 January Victory Day will be held in Siem Reap province on Dec. 19 at Siem Reap Lake Golf Club.

According to a media release, the opening ceremony of the tournament will be presided over by Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister H.E. Tea Banh, president of the Golf Federation of Cambodia and high representative of Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen.

Golfers from the Senate, the National Assembly and the royal government will participate in the competition sponsored by KTC Leisure Co., Ltd. of S. Korea. --AKP

By Théng


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