Saturday, January 8, 2011

Female Alcoholism UP: CICP

Thursday, 24 December 2009 04:32 DAP-NEWS

(CAAI News Media)

The Cambodian Institute for Coop-eration and Peace has found that alcoholism among Cambodian women is about 58 percent
CICP Director Yang Kimeng said at a workshop said on Wednesday at the Cambodian National Children Hospital (NCH) on National Supporting Policy Alcohol in Cambodia that “Both Cambodian women and youths are similarly addicted to the alcohol.”

Insomnia, stress, cancer and other health problems can be caused by alcohol, Kimeng added.
Dr. Yil Daravuth from an anti-tobacco organization said that 76.3 million people have been diagnosed as alcoholics, according to the WHO.

Cambodians use alcohol after giving birth, he added.

Wine companies promote products among drinkers but do little to educate on the consequences, Kimeng said.

Vice chief traffic police Chiv Hak said the police educates officers, but can do nothing about drinks companies.


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