Saturday, January 8, 2011

Lllegal Chicken Seized, Destroyed

Thursday, 24 December 2009 04:29 DAP-NEWS

(CAAI News Media)

Tax officials seized about 500 kg of chicken meat illegally imported through the Poipet international border with Thailand in Banteay Meanchey province, a local source reported on Wednesday.

Cambodian authorities seized about 500 Kg of chicken meat and other illegal products from Thailand with no brands. The chicken was destroyed.

Vice Poipet tax chief Sean Sinath said that “We found and seized all the illegal products from Thailand as the vendors delivered them to our gate,”

Sinath added that his agents will crack down on illegal goods imported into Cambodia.

“We spent for a long time to investigate about this,” he said.

For the case, the local authorities they had recommended to all Cambodian vendors to stop on this, according to the officer said to the crowed.

Illegal chicken meat impacts to public health, officials said.


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